Global Health Communication: Skills to disrupt knowledge hierarchies and silos

Satellite ID: SA05
Satellite Organizer: TDR, Special Programme for Research and Training on Tropical Diseases

Date: March 7th, 2024

Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Room: Palos Verdes

The pursuit of health equity and social justice are core goals of global health practitioners. Yet in the context of the historical and structural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, conventional communication approaches to knowledge production and dissemination often perpetuate the past instead of creating the future we envision. Knowledge and communication silos pervade various aspects of the global health system, enforcing gatekeeping and excluding key voices and country perspectives. It is thus essential to equip global health professionals with alternative communication skills, beyond peer review publications and scientific presentations, that could lead to more equitable knowledge production and dissemination. 

In this skills-building session, global health practitioners with diverse experience and a passion for communication will share their lessons and key skills gained, through case studies of their own projects. Participants will be equipped to approach the development of different communication products (e.g. podcasts, films, and media).